The end of the calendar year is the most popular time to support your favorite causes. This year we’re making it easy by providing plenty of quick and secure ways to donate.
With check theft on the rise, authorities say you should avoid simply dropping a check in a blue postal box on the street. If you must mail your donation, try to give it directly to a USPS employee or mail at a post office.
But first, check out these convenient alternatives!
Debit or credit card: Give securely online via our donation page. Our partner, DonorPerfect, uses the latest technology to keep your transaction safe.
PayPal and Venmo: Our secure donation page accepts these platforms too!
Double your Donation: Use our quick and easy digital tool to find out whether your employer will match your gift! https://isaacscenter.org/matching-gifts/
Give by phone: Throughout November and December you can call our donation hotline at 212-873-6600 ext. 1012 and give your information directly to one of our Development staffers.
We want you to feel good—and secure—about the way you give. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact our Annual Giving Manager, Victoria Sheridan, at vsheridan@goddard.org or 212-873-6600 ext. 1026. Have a wonderful holiday season!