The room sparkled with balloons and shiny streamers. Some guests lined up for drinks while others filled the dance floor. Hit tunes boomed from the sound system while servers plied the crowd with trays of chicken tenders.
It was Senior Prom time at the Older Adult Center, and the mood was festive.
For those who attended their prom many years ago, it was a time to reminisce. For others who’d never been, it was a chance to experience it for the first time.
“I didn’t get to go to my high school prom. I couldn’t afford it,” said center member Aurea Garcia, who was taking a brief break from the dance floor. “I didn’t see what the big hoopla was about. Now I see!”
The theme, chosen by a vote of the members, was the 80s. Classic pop tunes from the era rang out in English and Spanish.
“We decided we wanted to make it a little fancy so we have a live DJ and hors d’ouevres and a mocktail bar,” said Kathy Edouard-Bell of the volunteer organization New York Cares, which assisted in planning the event and provided volunteers.
New York Cares recruited a key age group to help: teenagers, who traditionally care the most about prom. “They’re putting together the food, serving the seniors, mingling with the seniors and experiencing a senior prom with them,” Edouard-Bell explained. “We thought that was a cool way to bring the two generations together.”
Center member Ron gave the event high marks. “A-plus plus plus,” he said; “the staff worked very hard and the DJ knows what to play. It’s really nice.”