Did you know— the Isaacs Older Adult Center doesn’t just have daily lunches? It also has fitness classes, a book club, daily shopping trips, bigger trips to Broadway and other destinations, activities in multiple languages, access to social workers, art classes and more. Membership in the Older Adult Center is free and open to anyone 60 and older.
“Some people come to see our social workers, but they don’t know about all the programs we offer. Some people come to the programs but don’t know we have social workers!” said Khristel Simmons. Besides overseeing all of our aging and nutrition programs, Simmons is a member of the Older Adult Center’s Hospitality Committee. Earlier this month the committee organized an Open House for members and prospective members to learn about the many benefits of joining the Older Adult Center.
On Open House day, the dining room and the hallway outside were lined with informational tables run by Isaacs Center programs as well as organizations we partner with. The Holmes Isaacs Coalition, the Holmes Tower Residents Association, State Sen. Jose Serrano’s office, Weill Cornell, the Visiting Nurses Service and more were represented.
Linda James was manning the Hospitality Committee table. She’s been a member for 9 years. What would she like members and prospective members to know?
“Some people aren’t connected with our emails,” she said. “They can sign up to get emails or robocalls that let them know what’s going on that day.”
She added that the committee strives to make everyone feel comfortable the first time they come in—so they’ll want to come back.
“What I value most is the friendships I’ve made here, the camaraderie of people I’ve met over the years,” she said. “It’s my home base—my home away from home!”