We serve more than 2,000 seniors, including residents of Isaacs/Holmes and Taft/Johnson public housing and of the local Naturally Occurring Retirement Community (NORC). Through our Meals on Wheels and congregate meals, educational and recreational activities, case management, and health and wellness management, we help our older neighbors, including those who are homebound, to age in place with dignity.
Meals on Wheels Program
Our Meals on Wheels program delivers seven meals a week to homebound seniors on the East Side of Manhattan.
“Doing those deliveries, I think the hardest time was when this lady was all alone her dark apartment, but she was so happy and grateful when I handed her that meal.”
– Estefani
Older Adult Centers
Case management, recreational activities and congregate meals are offered at our Older Adult Centers, which host both in-person and online activities.
The Isaacs Older Adult Center is located at our headquarters, 415 East 93rd Street. The Taft Older Adult Center is at 1365 5th Avenue.
“You have made my life easier and happier during the past few years. Your service has been a blessing every day! I cannot thank you enough!”
– Sieglinde
Case Management
Our team of highly qualified nurses, social workers, and health and fitness experts provides services to support health and wellbeing, as well as to assist with housing, personal finance, and other issues.
“When you found me, I was depressed and with a lot of health problems, and you helped me. I feel so blessed that Isaacs Center was there.”
– Raymond, who received help accessing nutritious food, stabilizing his health, teaching him skills to better communicate with his doctors and his sister, and securing a bed to lessen his back pain so he could sleep more soundly and an air conditioner that improved his respiratory condition.
Nutrition Outreach and Education Program
NOEP helps people find out if they qualify for SNAP, which provides monthly benefits that you can use to buy food at grocery stores, farmers markets, and some online retailers. SNAP helps millions of New Yorkers put food on their tables. If you’re eligible, NOEP will also help you complete and submit your application.
Senior Suppers
Isaacs Center Senior Suppers unite leading culinary professionals with aspiring young chefs from low-income neighborhoods to provide inspired meals – and virtual connection – for homebound seniors.
Partner events
We partner with a variety of providers, including Helen Keller International, to assist seniors conveniently on campus. In addition to health and wellness services, we host voter registration and other civic engagement events.
“I started coming to the Isaacs Center for legal help with your case workers. I live alone and I was in denial that I needed any extra support when I began receiving more follow-ups from my caseworker about other events at the center. I started attending regular events. I’ve been attending the Eye Clinic for the last few years and, since I have cataracts, I have found it incredibly helpful. I also attended the flu shot clinic and I wouldn’t have gone to either if it weren’t for Isaacs Center holding me accountable and following up.”
– Mark

Khristel Simmons
Associate Vice President- Aging and Nutrition Services
- 212-360-7620 x 1106 (office)

Jemma Marens, MSW
Aging Services Program Director
- 212-360-7620 x1105 (office)

Gloria Gong, MSW
Clinical Manager for Aging Services
- 212-360-7620 x1107 (office)

Samuel Gaedke
Entitlement and Benefits (NOEP) Coordinator
- 212-360-7620 x1114 (office)
- 646-946-0095 (mobile)