Shelf-stable pantry items, including
- 64oz juices
- cereals 18oz and above
- 32oz shelf-stable milk
- Healthy snacks
- Water
- Food and beverage for special events
At Thanksgiving: fresh and frozen turkeys in bulk
Clothing (new)
- Professional clothing for men and women
- Winter coats and boots
- Children’s clothing
- Gift cards for clothing retailers for young adults/their children (i.e. coats, boots, undergarments, shirts, pants, hats, gloves, scarves etc.)
Household Items (new, full-sized)
- Dishes/pots/pans (starter kits)
- Bed and bath linens, including shower curtains
- Tablecloths
- Laundry detergent
- Cleaning supplies
- Storage bins
Personal Items (new, full-sized)
Personal care items / toiletries, including: individual hand sanitizer, soap, body wash, toilet paper, toothpaste, mouth wash, deodorant etc.
Books for elementary-age students (new or gently used)
- Tablets/computers/laptops
- Headphones to be plugged into computers/tablets
- Access to free wi-fi, including “hot spots”
- Cell phones
- Pre-paid phone cards
- TVs
School Supplies (new)
- Backpacks
- Graphing calculators
- Other
Art Supplies
- Knitting supplies
- Metro cards
- Transport van
- Individual emergency packs
- Small round tables
- Games, including a professional Bingo set
- Small gifts for prizes for children and young adults
- Promotional marketing items and giveaways (ex: keychains, pens)
- Tickets for movies/shows
- Holiday decorations
- Free onsite haircuts, manicure services